Credits and Acknowledgements
At CogniVis, we believe in the power of collaboration and innovation. We extend our heartfelt thanks to the tools, libraries, frameworks, and communities that have supported our journey. Without them, CogniVis would not exist.
- aiohttp
- alembic
- Alembic
- asyncpg
- atlassian-python-api
- Autoprefixer
- aws-cdk-lib
- beautifulsoup4
- Bookstack
- boto3
- boto3-stubs[s3]
- celery
- chardet
- clsx
- cohere
- constructs
- dask
- ddtrace
- distributed
- dnd kit
- Docker
- dropbox
- einops
- fastapi
- FastAPI
- fastapi-users
- fastapi-users-db-sqlalchemy
- filelock
- Formik
- Fortawesome
- fs-extra
- google-api-python-client
- google-auth-httplib2
- google-auth-oauthlib
- google-cloud-aiplatform
- httpcore
- httpx[http2]
- httpx-oauth
- hubspot-api-client
- huggingface-hub
- jira
- JS-Cookie
- jsonref
- langchain
- langchain-community
- langchain-core
- langchain-text-splitters
- litellm
- llama-index
- Lodash
- mako
- Mdast
- msal
- Next.js
- Next-intl
- nginx
- nltk
- numpy
- oauthlib
- office365-rest-python-client
- Onyx
- openai
- openpyxl
- playwright
- PostgreSQL
- Prism.js
- psutil
- psycopg2-binary
- pycryptodome
- Pydantic
- pypdf
- pytest-mock
- pytest-playwright
- Python
- python3-saml
- python-dateutil
- python-docx
- python-dotenv
- python-multipart
- python-pptx
- pywebpush
- pywikibot
- Radix UI
- React.js
- React-DOM
- React-Dropzone
- React-Hook-Form
- React-Markdown
- React-Select
- Rehype-external-links
- Rehype-prism-plus
- Remark-gfm
- requests
- requests-oauthlib
- retry
- rfc3986
- rt
- safetensors
- Semver
- sentence-transformers
- Sharp
- simple-salesforce
- slack-sdk
- SQLAlchemy
- sqlalchemy[mypy]
- starlette
- supervisor
- Tailwind CSS
- tenacity
- tiktoken
- timeago
- torch
- transformers
- Tremor
- tw-elements-react
- TypeScript
- uuid
- Uvicorn
- Vespa
- voyageai
- weasyprint
- yup
- Zulip