AI-enhanced text editor for better content creation

Short explanation

AI-enhanced text editors for content creation utilize artificial intelligence to assist both individuals and companies in producing high-quality content across various contexts. These advanced tools automatically improve writing by generating outlines, optimizing the length of text, simplifying language, adjusting the tone to fit the desired audience and many many more.

This innovative approach to writing not only streamlines the content creation process but also enhances the overall quality of the text. By providing real-time suggestions and corrections, AI-enhanced text editors help users save time and reduce the effort traditionally required for thorough editing and proofreading, whether it's for drafting company procedures, creating marketing posts, or writing articles.

How does it work

AI integrated into the word processor means you can use the power of AI directly when writing your text.

Let's assume you have a company procedure to write. Let it be a challenging, long, boring and at the same time very important procedure regarding the protection of personal data in your organization.

Sometimes this type of content is the hardest to start. So we can use AI and tell it to write an outline that will outline the framework of this text and provide us with a good starting point for further work.

Why AI in text editors is superior to chatbots for content creation

Of course, we can now use popular AI chatbots, such as ChatGPT, to create any type of content.

However, AI implemented directly in the text editor gives us many benefits:

Integration with Existing Workflows

AI-enhanced text editors are seamlessly integrated into existing word processing and content creation tools. This allows users to improve their writing directly within the document they are working on, without the need to switch between applications. This seamless integration saves time and maintains the continuity of the workflow.

Real-Time Assistance

Unlike chatbots that generate content in response to prompts, AI in text editors provides real-time assistance. Users receive immediate feedback and suggestions as they type, allowing for instant corrections and improvements. This dynamic interaction enhances the writing process, making it more efficient and effective.

Enhanced Control Over Content

AI-enhanced text editors offer users more control over their content. Users can choose specific areas to improve, such as grammar, spelling, tone, and length, without generating new content from scratch. This ensures that the original voice and intent of the writer are preserved while enhancing the overall quality.

Contextual Relevance

AI in text editors is designed to understand and improve content within the specific context it is written. This ensures that suggestions and corrections are relevant to the subject matter and purpose of the text. In contrast, chatbots like ChatGPT may generate content that requires further refinement to fit the specific context and tone needed.

Privacy and Security

Using AI within a text editor can offer better privacy and security compared to chatbots. Since the content is improved within the editor itself, sensitive information is less likely to be transmitted over the internet. This is particularly important for business documents and confidential information.

Customization and Adaptability

AI-enhanced text editors can be customized to suit specific writing styles and preferences. Users can adjust settings to receive tailored suggestions that align with their unique writing style. This level of customization is often not available with general-purpose chatbots.

Focus on Editing and Refinement

While chatbots are excellent for generating new content, AI in text editors focuses on refining and improving existing content. This distinction is crucial for users who need to polish their drafts rather than create new text. The targeted approach of text editors ensures that the content meets high standards of quality and clarity.

Real-life use cases

Let us continue with our example of creating a company procedure for personal data protection.

Make shorter

The AI ​​provided us with a very comprehensive outline of our procedure. Too broad, in fact.

So we can select a selected fragment of text and select the "Make shorter" option, and the AI ​​will generate a shortened version for us.


It often happens that texts are written by specialists in a given field, but these texts are intended for people from the team who do not have such specialist knowledge on a given topic.

Often, unfortunately for the rest of the team, these texts are written in confusing, specialized jargon that is incomprehensible to anyone outside a given specialization.

In this situation, we can select a selected, complicated fragment of text and select the "Simplify language" option.


Often, selected fragments of the text do not sufficiently explain a given issue, wrongly assuming that the addressee will guess everything.

We can therefore ask AI to further explain a given issue in simple and short words, which will add an additional paragraph, allowing readers to better understand a complex issue.

Find action points

A typical situation in many companies is that the matter ends after reading a given procedure.

The team often either does not realize, or does not want to realize, that a given procedure may require specific steps to be taken.

So we can ask AI to analyze the entire text and find action points, and then formulate them in the form of a checklist that each reader can then check off as they complete individual tasks.

The above points are just a few of the possible scenarios in which AI word processors can help us. Of course, there are many more benefits.

What else can AI text editors help you with?

Improving Writing Quality

One of the standout features of AI-enhanced text editors is the "Improve Writing" function. This tool analyzes the text for clarity, coherence, and overall quality. By suggesting improvements, it helps writers refine their drafts, making them more engaging and effective. This feature is particularly beneficial for non-native speakers or those who lack confidence in their writing skills.

Spelling Corrections

The "Fix Spelling" feature is a crucial component of AI-powered text editors. Unlike traditional spell checkers, this tool understands context and can correct complex spelling errors that might otherwise go unnoticed. It also supports multilingual spell checking, making it an invaluable resource for writers working in different languages.

Adapting Content Length

AI-enhanced text editors offer the ability to "Make Shorter" or "Make Longer" texts. This feature allows writers to adapt their content to fit specific word counts or to provide more detailed explanations. Whether condensing a lengthy report or expanding on a brief point, this tool ensures the text remains coherent and comprehensive.

Continuing Writing

The "Continue Writing" feature helps maintain the flow of writing. By predicting and suggesting the next part of the content, it aids writers in overcoming writer's block and ensures a seamless continuation of ideas. This tool is especially helpful for maintaining consistency in tone and style throughout the document.

Summarizing Content

The "Summarize" feature enables quick generation of summaries from large texts. This is particularly useful for creating abstracts, executive summaries, or brief overviews of lengthy documents. It ensures that the main points are captured concisely, saving time and effort.

Translating Text

With the "Translate" function, AI-powered text editors offer robust multilingual capabilities. This tool allows for instant translation of text to and from multiple languages, facilitating global communication and collaboration. It ensures accurate translations while maintaining the original context and tone.

Changing Tone

The "Change Tone" feature allows writers to adjust the tone of their text to suit different audiences or purposes. Whether switching from formal to informal or vice versa, this tool ensures the content aligns with the desired style and tone, making it more appropriate for its intended readership.

Enhancing Collaborative Writing

AI-powered text editors facilitate collaborative writing by integrating features like real-time editing, comment tracking, and version control. These tools allow multiple users to work on a document simultaneously, providing instant feedback and suggestions. The AI can track changes, suggest improvements, and ensure consistency throughout the document, making teamwork more efficient and productive.

Improving Research Efficiency

The integration of AI in text editors can significantly enhance research efficiency. Features such as automated citation generation, reference management, and access to academic databases can streamline the research process. AI tools can suggest relevant literature, highlight key findings, and even generate summaries of research articles, saving writers valuable time and effort.

Personalized Writing Assistance

AI-enhanced text editors can offer personalized writing assistance based on the user's writing style and preferences. By learning from previous documents, the AI can provide tailored suggestions that align with the writer’s unique voice. This personalization helps maintain consistency across different pieces of writing and improves overall writing quality.

Content Analysis and Insights

AI can analyze the content to provide insights into readability, sentiment, and engagement potential. These analytics help writers understand how their audience might perceive the text and make necessary adjustments to improve engagement. By offering feedback on tone, complexity, and emotional impact, AI tools help craft content that resonates with readers.

Contextual Thesaurus and Lexical Suggestions

AI-enhanced text editors provide contextual thesaurus and lexical suggestions, helping writers find the perfect word for every situation. These tools go beyond simple synonym lists, offering suggestions that fit the context and nuance of the text, enhancing vocabulary use and precision in writing.

Adaptive Learning and Continuous Improvement

AI-powered text editors continuously learn and adapt to the user's writing style and preferences. Over time, the AI's suggestions become more accurate and aligned with the writer’s needs. This adaptive learning ensures that the tool grows more effective and personalized, providing increasingly valuable assistance with each use.

Implement AI-enhanced text editor in your company

Elevate your writing and boost productivity with our AI-powered text editor solutions. Whether you're a professional writer, student, or business professional, our advanced tools can help you create high-quality content effortlessly.

Contact us to learn how AI can enhance your writing process, improve accuracy, and ensure your content resonates with your audience. Let us assist you in integrating these cutting-edge tools into your workflow for a seamless and efficient writing experience.

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Michal Szymanski
About author
Michal Szymanski

Co Founder at MDBootstrap , CogniVis AI and AIFor.Biz / Listed in Forbes „30 under 30" / EOer / Open-source and AI enthusiast / Dancer, nerd & bookworm.

Author of hundreds of articles on AI, programming, UI/UX design, business, marketing and productivity. In the past, an educator working with troubled youth in orphanages and correctional facilities.