Knowledge base and artificial intelligence

A knowledge base alone is an incredibly useful asset for any company. However, when combined with artificial intelligence, the range of possibilities dramatically expands.

To illustrate this well, imagine an incredibly intelligent person who has worked in your company for years and knows all the details about it. This person can instantly recall any information related to your business and also excels at every task assigned.

This person is akin to artificial intelligence that utilizes your company's knowledge base.

It's best to demonstrate this with examples.

CogniVis AI

CogniVis AI is an artificial intelligence module that operates on selected data sources, such as our knowledge base.

It can take the form of various interfaces, including the well-known chatbot. We will focus on this form to present a few examples.

In our sample knowledge base, we have a book titled "Team," where information about company personnel is stored. Each person has their page, describing their position, areas of responsibility, and other relevant data. For example, here we have the page of the CEO, John Smith.

Because the CogniVis AI chatbot is based on our knowledge base, I can ask it the following question:

I can also tell it to give me the phone number of the CEO.

Of course, if we asked such a question to some chatbot based on general knowledge (like ChatGPT), it wouldn't know the answer. Only connecting corporate data enables this type of interaction.

Example questions we can ask artificial intelligence

Who can help me prepare a marketing campaign?

When is Ewa on vacation?

Which product sold the best throughout the year?

What is the average customer satisfaction with the company's services in February 2024?

What is the status of the New Era of Digital Art project?

Which project is most delayed compared to the planned schedule?

Content Creation

Of course, we are not limited to asking single questions. For example, we can have the AI ​​refer to the previously mentioned delay in the Epsilon project and have it create a message to the team asking about the reasons for this delay.

Create a draft of a polite yet firm message to the Epsilon project team, asking why their project is significantly delayed.

We can, of course, have the message tailored:

Be a bit more assertive


These are just the tip of the iceberg of possibilities available with AI. Let's explore more.

Michal Szymanski
About author
Michal Szymanski

Co Founder at MDBootstrap , CogniVis AI and AIFor.Biz / Listed in Forbes „30 under 30" / EOer / Open-source and AI enthusiast / Dancer, nerd & bookworm.

Author of hundreds of articles on AI, programming, UI/UX design, business, marketing and productivity. In the past, an educator working with troubled youth in orphanages and correctional facilities.