What is a knowledge base, how does it work, and what is it for?

Before we dive into the knowledge base itself, we must highlight a very important point - even the best AI can achieve little if it does not have access to valuable data.

Data and knowledge are currently one of the most valuable resources of any company. If you have not been taking care to record and maintain all the knowledge of your organization in an organized way, you are sitting on a goldmine without realizing it.

Many companies operate in a way where valuable information is only stored in the heads of individual team members. This not only makes information flow difficult (because you have to ask such a person about everything), but it also creates a serious risk in case that person were to leave the team.

It is also a huge waste of developmental potential.

Have you ever seen a chart showing the progress of technological development? The line starts shooting up like crazy from the moment the Internet became widely accessible. Why? Because the internet aggregates all the knowledge of our civilization and makes it easily accessible to everyone. Anyone can use it and contribute their own developmental brick to it.

If you feel like the world has sped up to an unprecedented pace in recent decades - you're not mistaken. It is the aggregation of knowledge and free access to it that have enabled such acceleration.

This phenomenon also works on a smaller scale - if instead of hoarding corporate knowledge in the heads of individual team members, you put it into a central database from which the whole team can freely use and expand it, it will start to grow, quickly gaining value for the organization.

And if we add artificial intelligence to this, which will not only use this knowledge but also create new content and add its own bricks - development will accelerate even further.

Example of using a knowledge base

CogniVis has a "Docs" module, which is used for creating a corporate knowledge base that the artificial intelligence then relies on. Think of it as your in-company Wikipedia, supported by AI.

So, instead of writing to Mark Newman from the marketing department asking, "What is the procedure for creating social media campaigns in our company?" you would now ask AI, which, based on your corporate knowledge base, will provide you with precise answers in seconds.

This way, not only will you avoid bothering other team members, but you will also get faster and more precise answers yourself. Productivity will skyrocket.

Michal Szymanski
About author
Michal Szymanski

Co Founder at MDBootstrap , CogniVis AI and AIFor.Biz / Listed in Forbes „30 under 30" / EOer / Open-source and AI enthusiast / Dancer, nerd & bookworm.

Author of hundreds of articles on AI, programming, UI/UX design, business, marketing and productivity. In the past, an educator working with troubled youth in orphanages and correctional facilities.